Ромаріо Авто

Магазин автозапчастин у м. Київ
Інформація оновлена:
Переглядів: 126


(095) 335 02 93
вул. Куренівський провулок, 14 / 1
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16 оцінок


Romario Auto Company is a hypermarket of auto parts located in the city of Rivne. Founded in 2010, it is known for its strategy of transparent and trustworthy relationships with customers. The company’s main activity is the import and sale of high-quality auto parts and auto chemicals. The store offers a wide range of products, including maintenance parts, brake system, engine and exhaust system, suspension and steering, cooling and heating system, gearbox and transmission, electrical system, fuel system, body and optics, tools and accessories.


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